All local drives are scanned for eligible files during the Documents Backup process. Network Shares are not included in this. Please find below the full list of file types supported by the Documents Backup.

Text files

Microsoft Word (Office 97-2003)

File extensionFile type name
.DOC Word document
.DOT Word document template
.WBK Word backup document

Microsoft Word Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)

File extensionFile type name
.DOCB Word binary document
.DOCM Word macro-enabled document
.DOCX Word document
.DOTX Word document template

Other types of text files

File extensionFile type name
.ODT OpenDocument text document
.PAGES Pages document
.PSW Pocket word document
.RTF Rich text format file
.SDW StarOffice Writer text document
.STW StarOffice document Template
.SXW StarOffice Writer document
.TXT Plain text file
.UOF Uniform Office document
.UOT Uniform Office document
.VOR StarOffice template
.WPD WordPerfect document
.WPS Microsoft Works word processor file

Data files

File extensionFile type name
.CSV Comma-separated values file
.ODC Office data connection file
.ODF Apache OpenOffice math file
.ONE OneNote document
.PST Outlook personal information store file
.SLK Symbiotic link file
.XML Extensible Markup Language data file

Page layout files

File extensionFile type name
.ODG OpenDocument drawing file
.PDF Portable document format file
.PUB Microsoft Publisher publication
.XPS XML paper specification file

Presentation files

Microsoft PowerPoint (Office 97-2003)

File extensionFile type name
.POT PowerPoint template
.PPS PowerPoint slide show
.PPT PowerPoint presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)

File extensionFile type name
.POTM PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation template
.POTX PowerPoint template
.PPAM PowerPoint macro-enabled add-in
.PPSM PowerPoint macro-enabled slide show
.PPSX PowerPoint slide show
.PPTM PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation
.PPTX PowerPoint presentation
.SLDM PowerPoint macro-enabled slide
.SLDX PowerPoint slide

Other types of presentation files

File extensionFile type name
.KEY Keynote presentation
.ODP OpenDocument presentation
.OTP OpenDocument presentation template
.SDD StarOffice presentation
.STI StarOffice presentation template
.SXI StarOffice Impress presentation
.UOP Uniform office presentation

Spreadsheet files

Microsoft Excel (Office 97-2003)

File extensionFile type name
.XLM Excel macro file
.XLS Excel workbook
.XLT Excel template

Microsoft Excel Open XML (introduced in Office 2007)

File extensionFile type name
.XLSM Excel macro-enabled workbook
.XLSX Excel workbook
.XLTM Excel macro-enabled template
.XLTX Excel template

Misc. Excel formats

File extensionFile type name
.XLA Excel add-in file that contains macros
.XLAM Excel add-in file
.XLL Excel add-in file
.XLSB Excel binary worksheet (BIFF12)
.XLW Excel work space

Other types of spreadsheets

File extensionFile type name
.DIF Data interchange format
.NUMBERS Apple Numbers application file
.ODS OpenDocument spreadsheet
.PXL Pocket Excel file
.SDC Apache OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet
.STC StarOffice Calc spreadsheet template
.SXC StarOffice Calc spreadsheet
.UOS Uniform Office spreadsheet
.XLR Microsoft Works spreadsheet

Database files

Microsoft Access

File extensionFile type name
.ACCDB Access 2007 database file
.ACCDE Access execute only database
.ACCDR Access runtime application
.ACCDT Microsoft Access database template
.MDB Microsoft Access database

Other types of database files

File extensionFile type name
.DBF Database file
.PDB Program database

Vector Image files

Microsoft Office Visio

File extensionFile type name
.VDX Visio Drawing XML file
.VSD Visio Drawing file
.VDSM Visio Macro-Enabled drawing
.VSDX Visio Drawing
.VSL Visio Add-on
.VSS Visio Stencil file
.VSSX Visio Stencil file
.VST Visio Drawing template
.VSTM Visio Macro-enabled drawing template
.VSTX Visio Drawing template
.VSW Visio workspace file
.VSX Visio Stencil XML file
.VTX Visio Template XML file

Other types of vector image files

File extensionFile type name
.OTG OpenDocument graphic template
.SDA StarOffice drawing
.STD Apache OpenOffice drawing template
.SXD StarOffice drawing

Compressed files

File extensionFile type name
.BDOC Binary DigiDoc signature file

Backup files

File extensionFile type name
.QBB QuickBooks backup file

Web files

File extensionFile type name
.OTH OpenDocument HTML template